This body and hopper vibrator delivers fast, complete and clean discharge of sticky, compacted or frozen materials from truck dump bodies, trailer rear dump, bottom dump & side dump trailers. The vibrator is welded to the underside of the dump body or slope of hopper, the Mighty Ruff Shake vibrator uses vibrating hammer force to dislodge materials from the dump body or hopper.
Advantages of a box vibrator:
- Reduces risks associated with discharging sticky materials from dump body vehicles.
- Up to 3,500 ft. lbs of hammer force is delivered at a low enough frequency to minimize metal and weld fatigue on truck and trailer dump bodies
- Damage to truck and trailer components is reduced by eliminating the need to rapid braking, tailgate slamming and whip socking the hoist to loosen up the stuck material
- Installation Kits available to your specifications upon request.
- Dumping time is greatly reduced due to faster discharge of material in body or hopper
- Larger payloads can be hauled per trip, because product discharge is close to 100 percent
- Increased payload results in fewer overall trips, lowering fuel costs and vehicle maintenance
Cash & Carry or Installed
Dampener Plate for 12 Volt Dump Body Vibrator
Bi-Rotational Motor for 12 Volt Dump Body Vibrator